
Grandborough Parish Council





Tracie Ball,
Parish Clerk and RFO


Tel: 07957589626

Grandborough – a short background.
Grandborough is a relatively small community with 176 households, but it has a long history, and its Church spire and the two Wellingtonia trees alongside it are a well known landmark in the Leam valley.

The Domesday Book records that Raneberge (today’s Grandborough) was an established settlement with 1000 acres of land, 27 villagers, and 11 smallholders. In early days the main centre of settlement was at Woolscott, but over the centuries a larger centre has developed in the valley bottom around the Church.  Calcott was a separate Domesday village but its site is long deserted and the land now forms part of Grandborough Parish.  Over the years other  extensions of the Parish boundary mean that at 4494 acres, Grandborough is now one of the largest of England’s Civil Parishes.

The population has not changed dramatically over the centuries.  In 1086 it  was 200 and the 2011 electoral register shows 332 electors. In addition, it is estimated that there are about  80 children currently living in the Parish.

Today’s community still has strong agricultural links, but there are also many who commute to local towns and cities, or even further afield, to work. As befits a technological age there has been an increase in home working in recent years.

A strong sense of community has been retained, and despite the loss of such centres as the Village School and the Village Shop, there are regular social events centred around the Church, Chapel, Village Hall and The Shoulder of Mutton (the one surviving pub of three).


Grandborough Parish Council is seeking to recruit a Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) to provide full administrative support to the Parish Council.

• Pay scale: LC1 scale point 7-12 (13.26 to £14.36) depending on experience

• Working hours: 16 hours per month primarily working from home but includes evening Parish Council meetings (currently bimonthly)

• Needs to be computer literate with working experience of Microsoft Excel, Word and Office.

The successful candidate must have excellent communication and administrative skills with the ability to keep accurate records in accordance with statutory requirements. The post holder needs to be able to work well on their own and support the parish council as a team. The ability to be able to deal with members of the public is essential. Grandborough is a small, rural parish in Rugby, Warwickshire, with a precept of £14,700. The Parish Council currently consists of five councillors.

To apply, please submit a CV and covering letter that set out your suitability for the role to Grandboroughclerk@outlook.com

The closing date for applications is 28th February 2025. For a full job description please email the clerk Grandboroughclerk@outlook.com



Parish Council Newsletters

November 2015
June 2016
December 2016
May 2017
November 2018
June 2019


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